Bilingual (English/Spanish) Book Review
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros is a fictional novel that tells the story of Esperanza Cordero, a 12-year-old Mexican girl growing up in a Latino neighborhood in Chicago. She has moved numerous times before, but in this new house on Mango Street, she forms special bonds with her neighbors, all of whom help her understand the real world. She explores her dreams and aspirations, as well as her identity, all while learning about the harsh truth of social class, gender, and race. Through many hardships, Esperanza is able to grow and mature from a young girl to a woman. With the desperate desire to fit in and at the same time distance herself from harmful cultural norms and generational trauma, Esperanza looks within herself to find the answers that the world cannot give her. This captivating novel is one you will definitely enjoy!
La Casa en Mango Street por Sandra Cisneros relata la historia de Esperanza Cordero, una niña mexicana de 12 años quien vive en un vecindario Latino en la ciudad de Chicago. Se ha mudado varias veces, pero en esta nueva casa en Mango Street, desarrolla conexiones especiales con sus vecinos, quienes ayudan a Esperanza entender su entorno. Explora sus sueños y aspiraciones, tanto como su identidad, todo mientras aprendiendo de las crueles verdades de la clase social, el género, y la raza. A través de muchas dificultades, Esperanza es capaz de crecer y madurar de una jovencita a una mujer. Con el deseo de pertenecer y a la misma vez alegarse de las normas dañinas de su cultura y el trauma generacional, Esperanza voltea hacia adentro para buscar las respuestas que el mundo no le puede dar. ¡Esta novela cautivadora es una que definitivamente te gustará!
Review by: Dalia V.
Dalia is a virtual volunteer at Sylmar Branch Library. She is an 11th grader at Sylmar Charter High School.
—Dana Eklund, Sylmar Branch Library