
Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) is the fourth movie by the Japanese Company Studio Ghibli, whose other works include Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. The story follows a witch named Kiki, who, on her 13th birthday, moves away to a seaside town with her talking cat Jiji. As Kiki continues to master her skills as a witch, she befriends new people like the owner of a bakery named Osono and a kid named Tombo, who she’s initially hesitant about. As Kiki lives with Osono and helps around the bakery, she comes up with the idea to start a delivery service with her broom.

This is one of my favorite Ghibli films because it tackles harsh themes like depression and burnout while still visually looking bright and warm. That is why I like this movie so much: at first glance, you can not tell, but it really is quite a serious movie while still being cute and beautiful in color. I mention the visuals because the hand-drawn animation is so beautiful, with a color pallet of cool blues and warm yellows. I also enjoyed watching because there is something for everyone. Little kids will enjoy it for the bright colors and silly aesthetic, while older people will enjoy it for the deeper themes. If you have not watched this movie, what are you waiting for? Get off this device and head to your library, and check it out!

Review by: Aram H.

Aram is a virtual volunteer at Sylmar Branch Library. He is a 10th grader at Larchmont Charter School.

—Dana Eklund, Sylmar Branch Library