Work for the Library
Requests for Proposals & Requests for Qualifications
- Request for Qualifications: Library Materials and Services
The Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) is seeking a wide range of vendor services for cost effective and timely provision of books and non-book materials for adults, young adults, and children. More than one vendor may be selected. Individuals and firms must have a minimum of five (5) years experience providing materials to libraries. - Request for Proposals: Wi-Fi Hotspots E-Rate Project
The Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL or Library) is seeking to enter into a contract with a qualified entity to manage the Library’s Wi-Fi Hotspots Project. The project is eligible for funding through the Communications Commission (FCC) through the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) under the Category 1 Information Technology Projects Program known as the E-Rate Program (E-Rate). Individuals and firms must have a minimum of three years of experience providing the type of professional and technical services as requested in this RFP.