Thursday, November 17, 2022
Episode Summary
Los Angeles Poet Laureate Lynne Thompson reads "Speak A Million Years" by Peter J. Harris.
Participant(s) Bio
Peter J. Harris, 2018 Los Angeles COLA Fellow in literary arts, Fellow of the Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities at USC, and award-winning poet, is the author of Bless the Ashes, poetry (Tia Chucha Press), winner of the 2015 PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award, and The Black Man of Happiness: In Pursuit of My Unalienable Right, a book of personal essays, winner of a 2015 American Book Award. In 2021, FlowerSong Press will publish Harris’ Safe Arms: 20 Love & Erotic Poems (w/an Ooh Baby Baby moan), with Spanish translations by Francisco Letelier.
Source: Poetry.Arizona.edu