Read on for the second batch of astonishing acrostics written by the bards of the Los Angeles Public Library!
R iver
U nbound
M ystery
A mbiguous
R esilient
H onorably discharged from the Army after 22 years
O bedient
N atural (no more dye or chemicals)
D emocratic
A daptable
L ives in stories
E mbraces the fantastic
A dreamer with her head in the clouds
H appiest when exploring
G rand
L iterary
E xpression…
N ah!
A ltruistic to the core
L oner by nature with an
I ndigo heart and soul,
C ynical from experience,
I solate to a fault
A rdent about learning
C apricorn
O ffbeat
N erd
N ot afraid to laugh out loud!
I mpressed by babies
E xperimental (a little)
J ust as beautiful as the sun rises
E xtremely gorgeous
S he is silly and has a good soul
S uper wonderful
I ncredibly intelligent
E xtra outgoing and funny
L oving and caring in every way possible
E xcellent in so many ways
E ats every food she sees
M ostly
A lways
R eading
A nything
L ight
O utgoing
V ictorious
E xciting
T ortitude—I have it
I am the queen
G o away
E ats everything
R eady for fun
L ove y’a
I am still the queen
L eave me alone
Y ou talking to me?
A ppreciate
L ife
I nclude
C ompassion
I nspire
A gapé
J ubilant jujyfruit
U vulaic undulation
L ackadaisically libertine
I ndolently insatiable
E ffervescent echidna
The third and final crop of acrostics is coming your way soon. Check them (and lots of other cool stuff) out on the Literature & Fiction Department’s Instagram page.