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Author Meg Shaffer and her latest novel, That Night in the Library
Photo: Alice Xue
Daryl M., Librarian, West Valley Regional Branch Library, June 20, 2024

Eva Jurczyk is a writer and librarian living in Toronto. She has written for Jezebel, The Awl, The Rumpus, and Publishers Weekly. Eva smashed onto the mystery scene in 2022 with her debut,...


collage of Spanish books

Diversabilidad en el lugar de trabajo

Salvadora Sosa Prieto, Administrative Clerk, Multilingual Collections, Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Hay una historia bastante holgada sobre el primer signo de civilización, que el Dr. Paul Brand atribuyó a la antropóloga Margaret Mead.

2 women at the Pa Gya! festival

Pa Gya! A Literary Festival in Accra

Catherine Royalty, Principal Librarian, Collections, Monday, October 23, 2023

The Los Angeles Public Library has a partnership with the international literary organization Writers Project of Ghana in an effort to exchange resources and amplify the voices of writers in Africa and throughout the world.

Author Dr. Kathryn Harkup and her latest book, The Secret Lives of Molecules

Interview With an Author: Dr. Kathryn Harkup

Daryl M., Librarian, West Valley Regional Branch Library, Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dr. Kathryn Harkup is a former chemist and author.

Altar con flores de cempasúchil, velas, y nicho

¿Ya pusiste tu altar de Día de Muertos?

Alicia Rodriguez, Librarian, Community Outreach, Wednesday, October 18, 2023

"¿Ya le pusiste el altar a tu abuela? Ella va a venir con sed." Mi mamá me avisa que ya es tiempo de poner el altar para mi abuela y también para los otros seres queridos que ya no están con nosotros.

Author's Altar for Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos

Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead

Maria Novoa, Library Assistant, Digitization & Special Collections, Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a significant Mexican tradition in which our dearly departed memories and souls are honored.

a person in a unicorn costume in front of a group wearing rainbow colored tshirts

The Rainbow Archives Podcast

, Los Angeles Public Library, Friday, October 13, 2023

Welcome to Rainbow Archives, presented by the Los Angeles Public Library. In this podcast episode, we explore the remarkable journey of how the L.A. Public Library has championed services for the LGBTQIA community.

Author S.L. Coney and her debut novel Wild Spaces

Interview With an Author: S.L. Coney

Daryl M., Librarian, West Valley Regional Branch Library, Thursday, October 12, 2023

S. L. Coney obtained a master's degree in clinical psychology before abandoning academia to pursue a writing career. The author has ties to South Carolina and roots in St. Louis.

Happy, smiling senior couple on a sofa, reading a book together

Quien un buen libro tiene al lado, no está solo sino bien acompañado

Maria Novoa, Library Assistant, Digitization & Special Collections, Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Mis papás siempre han sido lectores voraces. Desde muy chica, yo veía como mis papás leían todo lo que se les cruzaba en el camino…periódicos, libros, revistas, hasta los escritos en las cajas de Corn Flakes mientras comían su cereal. Todo. Todo. Todo. No había escritura que no leyeran.

La autora Erica Alfaro y su libro motivacional, Harvesting Dreams

Entrevista con Erica Alfaro

Salvadora Sosa Prieto, Administrative Clerk, Multilingual Collections, Friday, October 6, 2023

Erica Alfaro es autora galardonada, oradora principal y defensora de la educación. En 2019, sus fotos de graduación se volvieron virales y llegaron a los medios de comunicación de todo el mundo.

Author Erica Alfaro and her motivational book, Harvesting Dreams

Interview With an Author: Erica Alfaro

Salvadora Sosa Prieto, Administrative Clerk, Multilingual Collections, Friday, October 6, 2023

Erica Alfaro is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and educational advocate. In 2019, Erica's graduation pictures went viral and made headlines around the world. She was featured in major media outlets such as CNN, The Huffington Post, and Yahoo News.

