Art, Music, & Dance
Art, Music, & Dance
Networked resources on art and architecture including links to programs, libraries, journals, projects, exhibitions, collections and events.
A listing, description and illustration of 445 cultural and 117 natural sites of note throughout world from the Unesco list of World Heritage properties.
The national arts policy organization.
A guide to art and artists in museums worldwide.
Calendars, discussions and links to other arts and humanities resources.
Connects to many different unique exhibitions of art and artifacts, such as the Vatican Exhibit, the 1492 Exhibit, the Soviet Archive Exhibit, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Provides information on the Getty Research Institute, Education Institute, Leadership Institute and Grant Program. Selecting "Search/Index" provides access to databases and research tools useful in the arts.
Information on the arts in L.A. County including art resources, sponsors, events and non-profit arts organizations.
The LAUSD Art & Artifact Collection/Archive and Museum is a program of the LAUSD Arts Education Branch, Division of Instruction, in association with the Facilities Services Division. It consists of a public Collection across more than 1,000 schools and District administrative sites, a unique Archive located in downtown Los Angeles, and a historical Museum made to resemble a 20th Century school house
This Metropolitan Museum of Art site gives information on art and art history along with a substantial timeline.
A representative sample of murals and documentary resources.
Independent federal agency that funds and promotes artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation.
Database of art, architecture and museum object images from the collections of the University of Michigan Museum of Art.
The database includes more than 7,000 archival images that offer the public free online access to the museum's research library materials. The images are just a fraction of the holdings.
Nation's first collection of American art. Museum is home to one of the largest collections of American art from the colonial period.
Music & Dance
American composers, authors and publishers.
Music Reviews.
Daily music news, charts, reviews, artist of the day and more.
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Official site for Los Angeles Opera, including the history of the company, calendar of events and community programs.
Official site of the Los Angeles Philharmonic with information on tickets, the orchestra, education programs, forums and the performers.
Features over 10,000 historical recordings between 1900 and 1925 available free to the public, a joint venture of the Library of Congress and Sony Music.
A virtual tour of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.
Guide to world music. Informative text, combined with play lists and video content.