The TV serialization of two novels, Sharp Objects and Big Little Lies, has brought attention to a new crop of novels. They are edgy, psychological, thriller, suspense stories with distinct characteristics. They have complicated plots often with dead-ends or red herrings—characters with flawed personalities and/or dysfunctional families—and there is an overall sinister and threatening undercurrent. A key feature is one female protagonist (sometimes more than one), who is running on high octane, driven by a troubled past and facing an uncertain future—she has been wronged, is fed up, angry, and not going to take much more of anything from anyone. The endings of these books are not neatly tied up with a comforting resolution, more often than not, we are left with doubts and questions.
For similar books by recent authors check out the following: Lori Rader-Day, Tana French, Mary Kubica, Paula Hawkins, Liane Moriarity. For edgier stories, some with elements of magical realism, consider: Angela Carter, Rachel Ingalls, Kelly Link, and Clarice Lispector. There are even more recommendations in NoveList, which is a great resource we have at the library where you can search for “Read Alikes” to favorite books and authors.
It is well worth looking at some other sassy dames, who were in distress, and took charge of their own lives. As Margo Channing said, “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”
Sassy Dames in Distress