Here is the last batch of acrostics written by staff members of the Los Angeles Public Library. It’s amazing how a simple exercise like this can add a welcome jot of fun to our daily lives. Thanks to everyone who participated for sharing your photos, your pets, and the quirky, inspiring, and relatable characteristics that make you you. Extra special thanks to the readers and lurkers out there—without you, the circle would be incomplete! Make sure to check out the Literature & Fiction department’s Instagram page for a complete run of these poems, and stay tuned for the next poetry prompt—when you least expect it, expect it!
![Andrea jumps joyously at the beach, celebrating her healthy lifestyle.](/sites/default/files/Andrea.jpg)
A ccomplishing goals
N ourishing soul
D etoxification
R evitalizing mind and body
E xpressing and inviting
A mbition
![Canela the dog grins at the camera from her shady spot in the backyard.](/sites/default/files/Canela.jpg)
C ute, white, lovely and friendly
A lways wants to go inside the house and outside.
N ever rejects any treat.
E ven now that she got very sick
L onely sometimes, when Gary is far
A ctive and happy when walking with her in the yard.
![Mayra looks thoughtful and intense in front of a vaulted ceiling.](/sites/default/files/mayra.jpg)
M y life is a journey from
A to Z it’s the sum of
Y esterday, and today
R eminisce on the good and bad days
A life to live and give thanks.
![Crafting materials and a cup of tea represent some of Ashleigh’s favorite things.](/sites/default/files/Ashleigh.jpg)
A rtistic individual
S he likes to craft into the night
H er dreams and ambitions
L ead her to a beautiful life
E ven when times get tough &
I nsomnia plagues the mind
G od shall prevail
H e’s always right on time
![Jene looks radiant in a tropical dress with a red flower tucked into her hair.](/sites/default/files/Jene.jpg)
J ubilant
E xalted
N ubian
E bony
![Esther wears a pair of sunglasses and smiles at the camera while surrounded by a guitar, books, and other favorite things.](/sites/default/files/Esther.jpg)
E nergy sustains her throughout her journey
S he doesn’t look back at yesterday
T ime is spent with family and friends
H er love of books has no end
E njoys the sun, the moon and stars
R omantic strums of a guitar.
![Sharky the dog strikes a pose as the shark in the “Jaws” movie poster.](/sites/default/files/SHARKY.jpg)
S harp teeth in your mouth reminds us of “Jaws” movie poster
H appy you and my son are buddies
A nd we enjoy your company on walks
R escued you from a shelter during COVID-19 pandemic
K itchen rugs are your favorite spots to chill out
Y ou wink back at us each time we stare at your puppy eyes
![A cute cartoon mouse grins to the side against a green background.](/sites/default/files/david-turshyan.jpg)
M issing you
O n this rainy day, sitting
U nder the old oak tree…
S hort was your tale, anonymous,
E ver so magnanimous.
![An open book bursts with light and sparkles, representing the joy of reading.](/sites/default/files/catherine.jpg)
R ighteous
E nergy
A ll
D ay
![Emerald gives a friendly wave and says hi to all.](/sites/default/files/emerald.jpg)
E mpathetic
M indful
E asygoing
R eliable
A nalytical
L oving
D ivine
![Daniel tries on a pair of red sunglasses in a colorful store.](/sites/default/files/daniel.jpg)
D ue to the dereliction of maintenance
A s new forces deform surfaces
N o further updates will be forthcoming
I n perpetuity subject to void etc etc
E very echo fluorescent and converging
L ight waves sifted and combining
![A young girl reads beneath an oak tree, as Liz did in her childhood.](/sites/default/files/Liz-C.jpg)
L anguidly lost in literature
I loved my childhood oak perch
Z ealously guarded sanctuary
![Tina smiles with her chin in her hands at the Comic-Con convention.](/sites/default/files/Tina.jpg)
T urpid
I diosyncratic
N ihilistic
A rtistic