Ernesto Cisneros will be one of the featured authors at the Los Angeles Libros Festival, a free bilingual book festival for the whole family. L.A. Libros Fest will be streamed live on YouTube on Friday, September 23, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The Festival will be in-person at Central Library in Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, September 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., with select Saturday programs streamed live on YouTube.
Our tagline this year is Read, Dream and Celebrate en dos idiomas. How do you think your books and stories help us accomplish this? / El tema del festival este año es Read, Dream and Celebrate (lee, sueña y celebra) en dos idiomas. ¿Cómo crees que tus libros e historias nos ayudan a lograr esto?
What are some of the things you do to bring to life the world you’ve imagined? / ¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas que tú haces para hacer realidad el mundo que has imaginado?
What stories inspired you as a young reader? / ¿Cuáles historias te inspiraron cuando eras niño/a?
If your book was turned into a movie/series, who would you cast? / Si tu libro fuera adaptado al cine, ¿Cuáles actores elegirías para interpretar a tus personajes?
"I strive to be as authentic as possible. That means taking all of the things I hold dear to me and highlighting them in my work. The hope is that readers can join me in celebrating all of the wonderful things our culture brings."
What advice would you give to young writers? / ¿Qué consejo le darías a alguien que aspira a ser escritor?
How did you feel the first time your work was published? How was your publishing journey? / ¿Cómo te sentiste la primera vez que un libro tuyo fue publicado? ¿Cómo fue el proceso para lograr que tu libro fuera publicado?
"Mi deseo es ser lo más auténtico posible. Eso significa apreciar todas las cosas que tengo en mi vida y descartarlas en mi trabajo. Mi deseo es que cualquiera que lea mis libros pueda celebrar todas las cosas maravillosas que nuestra cultura tiene."
What are some challenges you encounter when writing? / ¿Cuáles son algunos de los retos que encuentras al escribir?
What was your experience like getting your book translated into Spanish or English? / ¿Cuál ha sido tu experiencia al lograr traducir tus libros al español o inglés?
Having the book translated was a dream come true. My parents were finally able to read my book. More importantly, they were able to see the influence they have had in my life. The book is an ode to them both.
Tener el libro traducido fue un sueño hecho realidad. Mis padres finalmente pudieron leer mi libro. Más importante aún, pudieron ver la influencia que han tenido en mi vida. El libro es una oda a ellos dos.
How do you think libraries make our world a better place? / ¿Cómo crees que las bibliotecas hacen de nuestro mundo un mundo mejor?
What are you working on now? / ¿Cuáles son tus proyectos futuros? ¿En qué estás trabajando?
Books by Ernesto Cisneros

Efrén Nava’s Amá is his Superwoman - or Soperwoman, named after the delicious Mexican sopes his mother often prepares. Both Amá and Apá work hard all day to provide for the family, making sure Efrén and his younger siblings Max and Mía feel safe and loved. But Efrén worries about his parents; although he's American-born, his parents are undocumented. His worst nightmare comes true one day when Amá doesn't return from work and is deported across the border to Tijuana, México. Now more than ever, Efrén must channel his inner Soperboy to help take care of and try to reunite his family.

Ernesto Cisneros at L.A. Libros Fest