Selected titles from the Los Angeles Public Library's collection about Nazi propgaganda in connection with a special exhibit at the Los Angeles Public Library, Central Library, Getty Gallery, March 10th - August 31, 2016. This list includes books, several DVDs, mostly circulating books which can be checked out. In addition there are several reference books which must be used at the Central Library.

1924 : the year that made Hitler
Call Number: 92 H675Ra

Axis Sally
Call Number: 940.5488 G475Fu

Axis Sally : the American voice of Nazi Germany
Call Number: 812.092 G4754Lu

Bad faith : a forgotten history of family, fatherland and Vichy France
Call Number: 940.5344 C158

Bending spines : the propagandas of Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic
Call Number: 301.550943 B998

Berlin Alexanderplatz : radio, film, and the death of Weimar culture
Call Number: 833 D633Je

Berlin calling : American broadcasters in service to the Third Reich
Call Number: 940.5488 E26

Berlin diary; the journal of a foreign correspondent, 1934-1941 [by] William L. Shirer.
Call Number: 943.085 S558

Biologists under Hitler
Call Number: 570.943 D324

Black Fox The rise and fall of Adolf Hitler
Call Number: DVD 92 H675Bl

Brave new world revisited
Call Number: 301.55 H986 2006

The cause of Hitler's Germany
Call Number: 193 P377

Creating the Nazi marketplace : commerce and consumption in the Third Reich
Call Number: 339.4 W651

The crime of my very existence : Nazism and the myth of Jewish criminality
Call Number: 296.943 B513

The devil's diary : Alfred Rosenberg and the stolen secrets of the Third Reich
Call Number: 92 R8126Wi

The Devil's disciples : Hitler's inner circle
Call Number: 943.085 R282-1 2004

The embrace of unreason : France, 1914-1940
Call Number: 944.08 B877-1

The essential Hitler : speeches and commentary
Call Number: 92 H675Dom

Explaining Hitler : the search for the origins of his evil
Call Number: 92 H675Ro 2014

The eye of Vichy L'oeil de Vichy
Call Number: DVD 940.5488 E975

The Fascists in Britain.
Call Number: 335.60942 C951

A film unfinished
Call Number: DVD G 940.53438 F4875

The genocidal mind : selected papers from the 32nd annual scholars' conference on the Holocaust and the churches
Call Number: 341.4019 S368

A German generation : an experiential history of the twentieth century
Call Number: 943.08 K795

The German Physical Society in the Third Reich : physicists between autonomy and accommodation
Call Number: 506 D486Ge

German voices : memories of life during Hitler's Third Reich
Call Number: 943.085 T884

Goebbels : a biography
Call Number: 92 G593Lo

The Goebbels experiment a film by Lutz Hachmeister & Michael Kloft.
Call Number: DVD 92 G593Go

The good Nazi : the life and lies of Albert Speer
Call Number: 92 S742Va

Hatemail : anti-Semitism on picture postcards
Call Number: 296.9 A311

Heidegger, the introduction of Nazism into philosophy in light of the unpublished seminars of 1933-1935
Call Number: 193 H465Fay

Hermann Goring : Hitler's second-in-command
Call Number: 92 G669Ra

Hi Hitler! : how the Nazi past is being normalized in contemporary culture
Call Number: 940.5343 R813-1

Himmler's crusade : the Nazi expedition to find the origins of the Aryan race
Call Number: 943.085 H161 2006

The Hitler salute : on the meaning of a gesture
Call Number: 943.085 A434

Hitler Youth, 1922-1945 : an illustrated history
Call Number: 329.943 L591

Hitler, the Germans, and the final solution
Call Number: 940.5315296 K41

Hitler's airwaves : the inside story of Nazi radio broadcasting and propaganda swing
Call Number: 940.5488 B499

Hitler's charisma : leading millions into the abyss
Call Number: 92 H675Ree

Hitler's furies : German women in the Nazi killing fields
Call Number: 940.5315396 L917

Hitler's gift : the true story of the scientists expelled by the Nazi regime
Call Number: 510.943 M488 2001

Hitler's propaganda machine
Call Number: 943.085 R975 folio

Hitler's second book : the unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf
Call Number: 92 H675-6

Hitler's social revolution : class and status in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939
Call Number: 943.085 S365 1980

Hitler's war : World War II as portrayed by Signal, the international Nazi propaganda magazine
Call Number: 940.5488 H343

Ibsen and Hitler : the playwright, the plagiarist, and the plot for the Third Reich
Call Number: 943.085 S129

Im toten Winkel Hitlers Sekretarin = Blind spot : Hitler's secretary
Call Number: DVD G 940.5343 B6485

Inhumanities : Nazi interpretations of western culture
Call Number: 943.085 D411

The Jewish enemy : Nazi propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust
Call Number: 940.5488 H544

Landmark speeches of National Socialism
Call Number: 940.5488 L2575

The language of the Third Reich : LTI, Lingua Tertii Imperii : a philologist's notebook
Call Number: 430.9 K64 2006

Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the will
Call Number: DVD G 943.085 T8395 2010

Lord Haw Haw : the English voice of Nazi Germany
Call Number: 940.5488 J89Ma

The man who stalked Einstein : how Nazi scientist Philipp Lenard changed the course of history
Call Number: 530.92 L563Hi

The master plan : Himmler's scholars and the Holocaust
Call Number: 940.547243 P957

Mein kampf
Call Number: 92 H675-1 1999

Mein Kampf : Hitler's blueprint for aryan supremacy
Call Number: 92 H675Dam

My battle against Hitler : faith, truth, and defiance in the shadow of the Third Reich
Call Number: 193 V9468Vo-1

Nazi ideology and the Holocaust.
Call Number: 940.547243 N3355-2
![Book cover for Nazi propaganda [by] Z. A. B. Zeman.](
Nazi propaganda [by] Z. A. B. Zeman.
Call Number: 943.085 Z53a

Nazi science : myth, truth, and the German atomic bomb
Call Number: 509.43 W182

The Nazi symbiosis : human genetics and politics in the Third Reich
Call Number: 575.1 W432

"Non-Germans" under the Third Reich : the Nazi judicial and administrative system in Germany and occupied Eastern Europe with special regard to occupied Poland, 1939-1945
Call Number: 325.43 M233 2013

The Nuremberg interviews
Call Number: 341.3 G618

Out of ashes : a new history of Europe in the twentieth century
Call Number: 940.5 J37

Planck : driven by vision, broken by war
Call Number: 530.92 P699Br

The politics of literature in Nazi Germany : books in the media dictatorship
Call Number: 830.9 B236

Preaching in Hitler's shadow : sermons of resistance in the Third Reich
Call Number: 274.3 P9225

The rise and fall of the Third Reich : a history of Nazi Germany
Call Number: 943.085 S558-2 1990

Science in the Third Reich
Call Number: 509.43 S4163-1

The secret conferences of Dr. Goebbels; the Nazi propaganda War, 1939-43, selected and edited by Willi A. Boelcke. Translated from the German by Ewald Osers.
Call Number: 940.5488 B671

Serving the Reich : the struggle for the soul of physics under Hitler
Call Number: 509.43 B187 2014

Speer : Hitler's architect
Call Number: 92 S742Ki

The Third Reich in history and memory
Call Number: 943.085 E92-1

The Third Reich sourcebook
Call Number: 943.085 T4455

"This is Berlin" : radio broadcasts from Nazi Germany
Call Number: 940.53 S558

To the threshold of power, 1922/33 : origins and dynamics of the fascist and national socialist dictatorships
Call Number: 321.6 K74

Triumph of the will Triumph des Willens : das Dokument vom Reichsparteitag 1934
Call Number: DVD G 943.085 T8395

An uncompromising generation : the Nazi leadership of the Reich Security Main Office
Call Number: 943.085 W675