Emergency Information and Resources

West Los Angeles WorkSource Center

  • West Los Angeles WorkSource Center

    5446 Sepulveda Boulevard
    Culver City, CA 90230
    Phone: 310-309-6000
    Fax: 310-301-7070
    Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Show on Map


L.A. County Service Provider Area: 5

Operated by Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) Los Angeles.
Job seekers find easy access to a comprehensive range of employment services at no cost. The JVS WorkSource Centers offer candidate recruitment, screening and skills assessment and include free access to computers, phones and current job listings. Resource Centers are equipped with assistive technology to provide access for people with disabilities. The WorkSource Centers are proud partners of America’s Job Centers of California. 
At the West Los Angeles WorkSource Center located in Culver City, the Disability Coordinator is available to help you with disability-related services. This location offers individual self-paced orientations on center computers along with a large array of assistive technology.

Population Served: Single Adults, Veterans
Resource Categories: Work
General Resources: Job Search Assistance
Additional Offerings: Job Skills Training, Resume Assistance

