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9051 Darby AvenueNorthridge, CA 91325
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- Librarian:
- Emily Aaronson, Senior Librarian
Upcoming Events at Northridge Branch Library
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What We're Reading
The Murder of Mr. Ma
In their first collaboration, award-winning author SJ Roz
From Here to the Great Unknown: A Memoir
The Lost Story
Meg Shaffer, the author of last year’s marvelous <
Arthur and Teddy are Coming Out
Horror for Weenies: Everything You Need to Know About the Films You're Too Scared to Watch
Horror. Some people love it! Some people don't!
Star Struck
In the 2nd entry in the Hollywood Mystery
You Are Here: A Novel
Sand Rush: The Revival of the Beach in Twentieth-century Los Angeles
Waiting for the Monsoon
In Utero
Miss Morgan's Book Brigade
On the Isle of Antioch
Some Desperate Glory
Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent
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