Your health matters! This small selection of heart health materials is a start, but visit your local library to get help finding more cardiovascular materials.

100 questions & answers about high blood pressure (Hypertension)
Call Number: 612.14 T749

Blood pressure down the 10-step plan to lower your blood pressure in 4 weeks-without prescription drugs
Call Number: e-Book

From the heart : a woman's guide to living well with heart disease
Call Number: 616.12 K19

Heart 411 [the only guide to heart health you'll ever need]
Call Number: e-Audiobook

The new American Heart Association cookbook
Call Number: 616.12 N5325 2010

Smart at heart : a holistic 10-step approach to preventing and healing heart disease for women
Call Number: e-Book

The smart woman's guide to heart health : Dr. Sarah's seven steps to a heart-loving lifestyle: a cardiologist's holistic prescription for health, energy and happiness
Call Number: 616.12 S187

Stronger after stroke : your roadmap to recovery
Call Number: 616.81 L665 2013