Emergency Information and Resources

Union Rescue Mission

  • Union Rescue Mission

    545 S. San Pedro St.
    Los Angeles, CA 90013
    Phone: 213-347-6300
    Fax: 213-612-0260
    Show on Map
Additional Phone Numbers
Donations: 800-833-0078
Volunteers: 213-347-6300


L.A. County Service Provider Area: 4

The agency provides Christian-oriented social services for people of all ages in the Skid Row area of downtown Los Angeles.

For emergency shelter, arrive at location between 1:30 and 3 pm. Get a "bed ticket." Return between 7 and 7:30 pm to be assigned a bed.

Their lunch is served daily. Women are served at 12 pm, and men are served at 2 pm.

Their shower facilities operate between 9:30 to 11 am, and 1 to 5 pm. Their facility also has a public laundry.

Population Served: Children & Families, Teen/Young Adult, Single Adults, Women, Immigrants
Resource Categories: Food, Housing, Services
General Resources: CES Entry, Education, Health & Mental Health, Legal, Meals, Personal Appearance, Personal Storage, Social/Support Services
Additional Offerings: Clothing, Dental Care, Emergency Homeless Shelter, Laundry, Medical Care, Mental Health Services, Showers

